Contact Us
Thornbury Laser Clinic - Laser, Skincare and Cosmetic clinic
78 King Street East,
Thornbury, Ontario N0H 2P0
Phone: (519) 599-9967
Email: Stephanie@thornburylaserclinic.ca
Sunday: Closed
Monday-Friday: 9a.m.–8p.m.
The Thornbury Laser Clinic is located in The Blue Mountain Health Centre in Thornbury, Ontario. We aim to provide a luxurious experience. Our facility has recently undergone a facelift and is a birghter and fresher version of itself. The entrance at the rear of the building ensures a confidential private visit. Our staff is highly qualified and experienced in the latest and most effective cosmetic treatments and products. We offer confidential, complementary consultations to discuss your individualized needs.
We look forward to meeting you soon!